MINI-MENTAL STATE EXAM (Folstein) ========================== Total (Maximum score = 30) ========================== ORIENTATION TO TIME (1) What year is this? (1) What season of the year is it? (1) What is the month? (1) What is the date? (1) What day of the week is it? ORIENTATION TO PLACE (1) What is the name of this place? (1) What floor are we on? (1) What city are we in? (1) What province are we in? (1) What county is this? IMMEDIATE RECALL (3) I am going to say 3 objects. After I say them, I want you to repeat them. They are: "Apple" "Table" "Penny." Now you say them. REmember what they are because I'm going to ask you to name them again in a few minutes. [Interviewer: Repeat until all 3 are learned] ATTENTION (either item) (5) a) Subtract 7 from 100, then subtract 7 fromt he answer you get and keep subtracting 7 until I tell you to stop. b) Spell the word "world" backwards. DELAYED RECALL (1) What are the 3 words I asked you to remember? NAMING (2) Show patient wrist watch and pen and ask to name them. REPETITION (1) Repeat the following sentence exactly as I say it. "No ifs, ands, or buts." 3 STAGE COMMAND (3) Now I want to see how well you can follow instructions. I'm going to give you a piece of paper. Take it in your right hand, use both hands to fold it in half, and then put it on the floor. READING (1) Read the words "close your eyes" silently to him/herself, and then do what it says. COPYING (1) Give patient clean sheet of paper and ask him/her to copy the design. WRITING (1) On same sheet of paper, ask patient to write a complete sentence.