PalmEKG 1 0 bpm.A`The AV junction performs pacemaker duty when a higher pacemaker fails. Can be either a beat, or when repeating, a rhythm.ABetw en 40 and 60 bpm (7.5 to 5 large boxes).fRegular rhythm unle s an isolated beat.More than 1 0 bpm (<3 large boxes). Usua ly le s than 180 bpm.A premature impulse originating in the AV junction. A PJC is a single beat -not an entire rhythm.AMay a pear before, during, or after QRS. Wi l be inverted if visible.ApIf the P wave a pears before QRS, PRI wi l be normal (betw en 0.12 and 0.20 second, 3 to 5 sma l boxes), otherwise absent.AA rapid atrial or junctional depolarization that ove rides the SA node.

3 sma l boxes). O casiona ly absent.Atrial rate is faster than ventricular. Ventricular rate is slow (usua ly <60 bpm) due to blocked atrial impulses.(Atrial rhythm is regular; ventricular rate can be regular or i regular depending on atrial-to-ventricular ratio.AAtrial impulses are blocked from ventricles resulting in A-V di sociation. ventricles depolarize via an escape mechanism. Third Degr e Block.Normal size and shape, but they have no relationship to QRS complexes.AThere is no PRI because there is no relationship betw en the P waves and QRS complexes.Na row (<0.12 second) if junctional pacemaker, or wide (>0.12 second) if ventricular pacemaker.RVentricular rate wi l be le s than atrial rate (which is usua ly normal). If junctional pacemaker, 40-60 bpm; if ventricular pacemaker, 20-40 bpm.Both atrial and ventricular impulses are regular, although independent.NCardiac standsti l. Absence of a l ventricular activity.An escape rhythm originating in the ventricles. AVOID Lidocaine!Wide QRS complex: greater than 0.12 second (>3 sma l boxes). QRS is often strangely shaped and may have upside-down T waves.AAtrial impulses absent. Ventricular rate 20-40 bpm (or le s).AAtrial absent. Ventricular rhythm is usua ly regular.AA premature beat originating in the ventricles."Normal except often buried when a PVC o curs.VThere is no PRI because the ectopic is not a sociated with a P wave.AOrganized electrical impulses exist without a sociated cardiac muscular contractions. Defines a condition rather than a a rhythmia.AA late beat originating in the ventricles after the supraventricular pacemak- ers failed. Ca led ventricular escape or idioventricular rhythm if a series.\Normal except mi sing before escape beat.Normal when present*Quivering ventricular movements and pulsele sne s.ABChaotic.AzThr e or more consecutive PVCs at >1 0 bpm.Present or absent. QRS complexes are not preceded by a sociated P waves.Wide (>0.12 second, 3 sma l boxes) and biza re.Atria rate unmeasurable. Ventricular rate 150-250 bpm (10-6 sma l boxes).A:Atrial rhythm unmeasurable. Ventricular rhythm usua ly regular.AAAAAAA#A&A( A*NA.A0A9A?AAACAEAGAMAXUAAA AA ANAA AA#A%A, A8A@AEAJAOAQ ATNAWAY A]AcAeAl A|AuAAA AA ANAA AA#A%A, A<AHAMARAWAY A\NA_Aa AeAkAmAt AAuAAAA AA ABAA A A+A/A2A4A: AIAhAYAAA AA ANAA AA#A%A*A,m AAAA AAAAAA"A&A/A1A6A@AGAJATAZA_AaAdAfAiAk AmFApAtAxmAAA AAAHA AA"A(A-A6A=A?AIAPATA]AdUAAA AA ANAA AA#A%A, A8AHAMARAWAY A\NA_Aa AeAkAmAt AAAAA ANAA AAAA AAE'AAA AA ANAA AA#A%A, A8A@AEAJAOAQ ATNAWAY A]AcAeAl AxAAAAA ANAA AAAA AAA(AAAAAA A A A\AAAAA A"A"$A$#A% A(UAA AAAAAA#A@ADAIANAQATHAXA\ AgAkAoAsAuA{AAAAAAHAAAAAAAAA AAFAA(AAA A A A>AA AA!A&A)A, A0 ALeAA A A AAA A APA|AA AA2AeAA A A>AA AA!A&A)A, A0A4m AAAA RA AAA A"A(A+A2ALAOAQASAWAfYAA A AAAZA AA%A,#A7AHAL ATA`AdAfZAi AkAuA|#AAA AAAAZA AAA#AAA AM%AA A%AAAA"VA* A,A5A=&A?'AA&AIATATAaAf%AkAnApAvVA~ AAA&A'A&AAAA%AAAU#AAAA<A@?AD AH ALAP AXAAAAA?A AAA $(,0?4 hyAA YAA A.AA"A*AEA6A7A0AtA (A2A5AAG7AP7AR0ATtAX(AZ2Ad5AhA9A9A(A(A.A (A)A"AfAA$A&A#2A%4A,$A8(A@(AE.AJ(AO)AQ"ATfAWAY(A]*Ac2Ae4Al$Ax(A(A(A.AZAAA A A2A2A,)I&AAAA A A AAA AAA A"A$A(A)A,A.A2A:A@ACAEAIAKALAPAT A\A_AcAea A+A*A'A#A A A A A+A+y ((YxfHzNu/OHWHoHoNO6O gAJHP?<8A\HPNOpO&Nu o?(/(?N&//////NO O &NuError launching applicationStartupCode.cNV/&.Hn?</Could not find appPalmEKG.cCould not launch appPalmEKG.cNV/ /$n RfN6*?NOo$H/ NOt\O0@g`Hz r/ NOPO`A6HP?<{ADHPNOO p`p&$_N^NuAppHandleEvent"Invalid Form Load EventPalmEKG.cNVHxHnNOHnNOJO f0HnHnHxNOJO fHnN$JXOf HnNOXO nfN^NuAppEventLoopNVHnHzHzNu=|<HnHnBg/+mR+m۶+m+m`DA+H+m+mV+mR+m۶+mܤ+m`A>+H+m݀+m+mZ+mގ+m޴+m`A+H+mN+mߪ+m+m +mD+m\`?< ?<HzHz `NuTO/NO/<HzHz NuO A+H+m+m+m8+mX+m؊+m`JAh+H+mb+m+m8+mX+m+m`A +H+m+m+m8+mX+m+m`A$+H+ml+m+m8+m޴+m`A+H+m+m+m+m`?<?<HzHz HNuTO/NO/<HzHzNuO A+H+m+m׮+m+mX+m޴+m޴`2AN+H+mT+m+m*+m\+m+m`A+H+mV+m+m+m$+m+m`A+H+m+m+mN+m+mJ+m`?<?<HzHzNNuTO/NO/<HzHzNuO A4+H+m+m&+m&+m&+m&+m&`8A+H+m+m&+m&+m+m+m`Ax+H+mR+m+m+m+m޴+m`A+HBh+mX+m޴+m޴+m޴+m޴+m޴`A+H+m+m&+m>+m+m޴+m`tA+H+mv+m<+m&+m<+m<+m`FA^+H+m+m+m&+m6+m+m`AHP?<AHPNOO JgNOs$H/ NOqBn=|=|=|=BgHnNOHnNOHnNO/<HxNOHxZHxNO/<Z/<NO/<ZHxZNOHnHnHnHnNOv-OB`&pZC??<pZC??<NOp-@PO C;mx`pp-0D"HAJAf\p-"HAJAf?<Y??<?NOPO`4v`*p-0C"HAJAfpZC??pZC??NOPORC C;mRD DmHnHnHnHnNO mJhOoXxvz`L0C  mHp0S@HHp0(S@H2?NJWDRC mhO mvRDJgHnNOXOL8N^NuDrawECGFormInvalid List IDECG.cNVJg?<?<HzHzNuTO/NOBg?<HzHzNuTO/NOBg?<HzHzhNuTO/NOBg?<HzHzJNuTO/NOBg?<HzHz,NuTO/NOBg?<HzHzNuTO/NO/-?<NOs/HzHz NuO.N^NuECGResetPushButtonsNV -cS-NN^NuZoomOutNV -dR-NN^NuZoomInNV|?<?<HzHzdNuTO/NONnNN^NuECGFormInitNVH0$nv0S@gS@g _@g8[@g_@gW@g`Nv`0*@g`N N*v`0*@ @b@0;Nbl.Zv&NOs&HHn?</ NO\O?NOs/NO0*nO m\Nv`RNv`HNv`>Jg"/-?<NOs/HzHznNuO v`Jg"/-?<NOs/HzHz@NuO v`Jg"/-?<NOs/HzHzNuO v`Jg"/-?<NOs/HzHzNuO v`Jg"/-?<NOs/HzHzNuO v`XJg"/-?<NOs/HzHzNuO v`, jf$HxNO?<LNOo$H/ NO/ NOpvOL N^NuECGFormHandleEventNVH0&n$n :.x/ NOR@@]DH6JCg0` / NOR@XO?/ / NO/ NO60S@COl 6SCB30xWDL 8N^NuHlpStrNCopyNV?. 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